RiSUB Shortener
RiSUB helps you get FREE social subscribers/views by combining URL Shortener service and Lockers.
Shorten URL is easier to read and share to your friends.
Signup for a free account to use full advanced features of URL Shortener and Lockers.


All Amazing Features

Advanced Analytics

Advanced Reporting & Analytics by continents, countries, device type & device name

Featured Admin Panel

Control all of the features from the administration panel with a click of a button.

Custom Redirect Page

You can custom your redirect page to intergrate with Lockers to get free social subs

Password Protect

Set a password to protect your links from unauthorized access.

Edit Created Links

%s allows you to modify the long URL behind your customized shortlinks.

Display Website Articles

Connect your website with the custom redirect page by displaying your articles.

Unlimited Pages

Add and manage Unlimited pages easily from your dashboard.

Awesome API System

Using our APIs to develop your own applications to earn more subscribers.


Check Our Statistics

689571 Total Clicks
29012 Total URLs
4871 Registered Users

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